Registered with
- Ned. Vereniging voor Acupunctuur (NVA;Dutch association for acupuncture).
- Int. Beroepsregister v Klassieke Acupunctuur, (International professional register for classical acupuncture).
- Register Beroepen in de Individuele Gezondheidszorg (BIG-register Fysiotherapie)
- Nederlandse Vereniging Meridiaan-Kleurentherapie (NVMK; Dutch association for Meridian Colour Therapy)
Based on these registrations the treatment at Auryn Acupuncture qualifies for reimbursement (provided you have additional insurance).
Auryn Acupuncture is registered at the Haaglanden Chamber of Commerce under number 27346290
Handling of Complaints
Information regarding the handling of complaints is available at the practice.