Terms of payment

drs. Renny Wiegerink
  • Appointments less than 48 hours in advance canceled, will be charged.
  • You will receive the invoice in an emailaddress that you provided. Usually on the same day of the appointment or a few days later.
  • You yourself are responsible for where you receive the invoice within your mail: in the inbox, another box or the spam box. It is up to you to monitor and manage that.
  • When having  two outstanding and reminded invoices, this has consequences for your treatment appointments:
    • no follow-up consultation can be planned until after payment, or
    • your already booked follow-up consultation will be canceled until the payment of both invoices has been credited to Auryn Acupunctuur’s account.
  • The deadline for any payment is two weeks after the invoice date. If the amount due is not deposited on time and in full to the account of Auryn Acupuncture, you will receive a first reminder statement. You then have 14 days to complete the payment. There are no administrative costs associated with a first reminder.
  • If payment has still not been received by the end of that period, you will be sent a second and last reminder. After this second reminder you will again have 14 days in which to pay the total amount due.
  • If the total amount due is not received by Auryn Acupuncture within that second period of 14 days, a debt collection process will be initiated. The client is responsible for all collection fees.

Additional costs

  • Copies of your invoices are available upon request, for a small administrative fee:
    € 3.- for the first copy,
    € 2.- for each additional copy (of other invoices) within the same print session.


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